Heavy Oxygen Tank

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Heavy Oxygen Tank
Heavy Oxygen Tank.png
Heavy Oxygen Tank



Breathing Equipment





The Heavy Oxygen Tank works the same way as any other Oxygen Tank, but can hold up to 2700 units of air. Unlike the other two types of oxygen tanks, the (empty) Heavy Oxygen Tank is also used as a crafting ingredient when making an Oxygen Storage Module.

Fill the oxygen tank in an Oxygen Compressor. Alternatively, you can fill a tank in the player inventory crafting grid, if you have a Liquid Oxygen Canister.

Crafting Recipe

Galacticraft 2 & Onwards:

Red Wool Red Wool Red Wool Grid layout Arrow (small).png Heavy_Oxygen_Tank
Tin Canister Tin Canister Tin Canister
Compressed Steel Compressed Steel Compressed Steel

Thermal Expansion:

Red_Wool Red_Wool Red_Wool Grid layout Arrow (small).png Heavy_Oxygen_Tank
Tin_Canister Tin_Canister Tin_Canister
Lead_Ingot Lead_Ingot Lead_Ingot

Basic Components:

Red Wool Red Wool Red Wool Grid layout Arrow (small).png Heavy_Oxygen_Tank
Tin Canister Tin Canister Tin Canister
Steel Ingot Steel Ingot Steel Ingot

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