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To add the IDs of sealable blocks from other mods (for example, Clear Glass or Hardened Glass), follow these steps. Note that the steps are a little different for #Galacticraft 2 and #Galacticraft 3.

Galacticraft 3

Step 1: Find the ID number

  • Start a Minecraft world with all your mods installed
  • Get the block you want to make sealable in your inventory
  • In your inventory, hover the mouse over that block to see its name and ID
  • Get the ID number and metadata of that block - it's written like this: nnn or nnn:mm where nnn is the ID number and mm is the metadata (metadata is optional, not all blocks have it)
  • Write it down somewhere and go to Step 2.

Examples of vanilla block IDs:

  • Grass is 2
  • Birchwood Planks are 5:2

If you want all the different metadata types for a block then it's :*. For example, all the different wood types of Planks is 5:*

Step 2: put the ID number in Galacticraft config

  • Open Galacticraft's config core.conf in a text editor like Notepad
  • Find this part of the config:
    # List non-opaque blocks from other mods (for example, special types of glass) that the Oxygen Sealer should recognize as solid seals. Format is BlockName or BlockName:metadata
    S:"External Sealable IDs" <
  • The 102:0 there is a glass pane from vanilla Minecraft
  • Add your new block IDs from Step 1, each one on a new line - for example to add Birch Wood Planks it would be like this:
    # List non-opaque blocks from other mods (for example, special types of glass) that the Oxygen Sealer should recognize as solid seals. Format is BlockName or BlockName:metadata
    S:"External Sealable IDs" <
  • Save the config file

Step 3: Get the block names

  • Exit Minecraft completely, so it goes back to the launcher, and re-start the game by pressing Play
  • Wait until the game starts with the Minecraft main menu (Single Player / Multiplayer / etc)
  • Now find your log file fml-client-latest.log and open it in a text editor like Notepad
  • Search the log for some lines like this:
[Server thread/INFO] [Galacticraft/]: [config] External Sealable IDs: the use of numeric IDs is discouraged, please use minecraft:glass_pane instead of 102
  • You see how it tells you a name to use, instead of the block ID number? Write down that name. In this example, it's minecraft:glass_pane

Step 4: Set the block names

  • Now go back to the core.conf in a text editor like Notepad
  • Find this section again:
    # List non-opaque blocks from other mods (for example, special types of glass) that the Oxygen Sealer should recognize as solid seals. Format is BlockName or BlockName:metadata
    S:"External Sealable IDs" <
  • Change the number there to the name you wrote down: for example, change 102:0 to minecraft:glass_pane
  • Save the config file

You're done. Phew!

Seems complicated, why do I have to do this

In Minecraft 1.7.2 or 1.7.10, you should use the block names and not the ID numbers. Although Galacticraft will work with both, if you use the ID numbers it will give you that message in logs recommending you use the block name instead.

Why does Galacticraft do this? It's because for modded blocks, the ID numbers can be different in each different world in Minecraft 1.7. The block numbers in a new world depend on which mods you have in your modlist and which exact versions of those mods you are using. So the block numbers can be totally different in a world you started a long time ago with a different modlist, or a world converted from Minecraft 1.6.4, or if you update a mod and start a new world.

Check the block IDs of the same modded block in a few of your older worlds which you started with a different modlist, and you will see it for yourself!

So if you want your config to be correct, you really should use the names. You can be lazy and use the block ID numbers, that will work OK in the world you took those ID numbers from, but you might find those ID numbers make for a totally different block in the next world you create!

Also: when you upgrade to Minecraft 1.8 in future, the block ID numbers can't be used, only the block names.

Isn't there another way to get block names?

Not that we know of, for modded blocks.

Galacticraft 2

For Galacticraft 2 it's easier you can use the ID numbers, you don't have to know about block names. Follow Step 1 and Step 2 above, you can stop after Step 2.

Finding Block IDs

  • If you have NEI (Not Enough Items) installed it's easy - the ID is already written after the block name
  • If you do not have NEI installed, you can still make Minecraft tell you with this trick: press F3 and H together. Now all the block ID numbers will be shown in the game, like Grass will be Grass (#0002). Write down the number and ignore the # at the start, you don't need it.