Tutorials/Galacticraft Installation Guide

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For Galacticraft 2 and Galacticraft 3

On the Downloads page, choose the files for the Minecraft version you want to play. Normally that's 1.7.10, but maybe you prefer an older version. Galacticraft 3.0.6 BETA is dual compatible: the exact same download files work in Minecraft 1.7.2 and in Minecraft 1.7.10. (Isn't that smart?)

You will need to download three files for Galacticraft:

On the Downloads page, the red ones at the top of the list are the latest version and recommended for most players. They have the latest fixes. If for any reason the latest does not work for you, then try an earlier version instead. (Do not try to use the Developer builds, those are only for programmers!)

Move the three Galacticraft files you just downloaded into your .minecraft/mods folder.

Start Minecraft using the vanilla launcher, choose the Forge profile, make sure it's for the correct Minecraft version which you want to play, and hit Play.

All set to play Minecraft 1.7.2 with Forge.

Of course, first you have to have installed Forge for the Minecraft version you want to play. If you are already playing modded Minecraft, most likely you already did that! If you need to install Forge now, see official guide. You should use the Recommended Build for the Minecraft version you want.

Advanced tip

Some players like to have mods from multiple Minecraft versions available on their computer - maybe a favorite list of mods from 1.6.4, as well as the current playing versions in 1.7.10.

Launching Minecraft will most likely crash if you mix mods for different Minecraft versions in the .minecraft/mods folder.

But there's an answer for that: in the /mods folder you can make subfolders:

  • 1.6.4 for your 1.6.4 mods
  • 1.7.10 for your 1.7.10 mods

Put the mods for different Minecraft versions in the correct subfolders, and you should be golden. They will not get mixed up, and Forge will automatically load the correct ones for the Minecraft version when you play.

For Minecraft 1.5.2 or earlier:

  1. Install Forge (Drag the Forge class files into your minecraft.jar).
  2. Drop the Galacticraft jar file into your coremods folder.
  3. If you decided on Basic Components, click the "Load Basic Components" button when it appears after launching Minecraft.
  4. You're done!

Moving On

Once you have all of these mods installed and your Minecraft loads up and doesn't crash, you may start your adventure to space!

Read on with the Galacticraft Getting Started Guide to get you started with all the basics.

Unless stated otherwise, all information contained on this wiki should be considered outdated and might not reflect in-game experiences