Bacterial Sludge

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Revision as of 18:33, 12 February 2018 by ItsLightningBolt (talk | contribs)
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Bacterial Sludge
Bacterial Sludge.png
Bacterial Sludge







This block can only be picked up using a bucket




Yes (64)



Bacterial Sludge is a fluid block that generates naturally on Mars.


Bacterial Sludge does not exist as an item, but can be collected the same way as water or lava by using an empty bucket: hold an empty bucket and right click on an oil source block to fill the bucket with oil. Liquid pumps from compatible mods may work too.

Natural generation

It generates in the giant underground caves in Mars and floods over almost whole cave floor.


Bacterial Sludge will spread on up to 2 blocks from the source block on solid surface, shorter than lava outside the Nether. Like water, it can wash out plants and extinguish fire. It has no current. Players immerse in it can see normally. It also emit a dim light.

On the other hand, it lacks the other fluid-like properties: players and mobs cannot swim in it, it is not possible to drown and thus get any damage (however Oxygen Gear is of course still necessary in the airless dimensions), and it does not affect mining speed. It will not put out fire either.

It is not possible to produce more Bacterial Sludge blocks by using the "infinite water" trick from the vanilla Minecraft, making it a non-renewable resource.


The Bacterial Sludge will generate Sludgelings, normally in small swarms, while a player, mob, entity and even drops touches it.


It has no crafting use, but it is possible to use it to create a Sludgeling XP farm.

If for some reason the player wants to bring some back to the Overworld it can be picked up in buckets, and the Bacterial Sludge Bucket can be placed in the same way as a bucket of water.

Data values

Bacterial Sludge has the ID name GalacticraftMars:tile.sludge.


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