Cargo Rocket Schematic

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Cargo Rocket Schematic
Cargo Rocket Schematic.png
Cargo Rocket Schematic








The Cargo Rocket Schematic is required to craft the Cargo Rocket.

The schematic can be found in Tier 2 treasure chests, found after completing tier 2 dungeons. Tier 2 dungeons are found on Mars only.


As with any schematic, simply place it in the NASA Workbench on the "Add New Schematics" page and click "Unlock Schematic". This will then permanently unlock a new page that will allow this player to build the Cargo Rocket in any NASA Workbench.

In Galacticraft 4, unlocking the Cargo Rocket in this way will unlock it for all current members of your Space Race team.

In Galacticraft 4 your surplus schematics can be hung on the wall - like a painting.

See also

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