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BuildCraft Team








Official Wiki

BuildCraft is a Minecraft mod that aims at providing advanced building capabilities to the game. It is a mod that is compatible with Galacticraft.

Main compatible features:

Buildcraft Oil

Buildcraft generates oil wells in the Overworld, containing source blocks of Buildcraft crude oil. Buildcraft oil can be refined into fuel which is usable as rocket fuel in Galacticraft. You can use either Buildcraft's refinery or the Galacticraft Refinery.

If Buildcraft is installed, you may want to switch off Galacticraft oil generation in the Overworld, otherwise there can be too much oil - also Buildcraft quarries can be laggy if they encounter liquids underground.

Version improves compatibility when you have Buildcraft oil and Galacticraft oil in the world together. You should be able to use either mod's systems (Buildcraft buckets + refineries / Galacticraft oil extractor + canisters + refinery) with either type of oil.

Pre-version 3.0.9: warning if installing Buildcraft on existing worlds

In Galacticraft version or earlier, installing the Buildcraft mod after you already created a world with Galacticraft installed was not advisable. If you did that, you lost all the Galacticraft oil in the world (Forge warned you and asked you if you want to continue). The reason this happened was Buildcraft also generates oil in the world, and Galacticraft was previously designed not to allow both types of oil in the world. Installing Buildcraft would therefore cause deletion of any Galacticraft oil which was already in the map (version or earlier). From existing Galacticraft oil is preserved, and there can be both Buildcraft oil and Galacticraft in the world together.

Buildcraft API power issues

Buildcraft changed its power systems three times in the Minecraft 1.7.10 version, there's Buildcraft 6.0.x based on the long-standing MJ system, Buildcraft 6.1.x which is a halfway house, and Buildcraft 6.2.x which abandoned MJ and adopted the RF system from CoFH mods. Changing energy compatibility systems is, to be frank, a dumb and ill-considered thing to do in the middle of a Minecraft version, if you are a mod which (like Buildcraft) has an API which is/was relied on by many other mods.

Galacticraft 3 attempts to be compatible with the older versions of Buildcraft as well as the latest, because any one of these different versions could be being used by other mods which players have installed alongside Galacticraft 3. This mostly works fine: the only situation players are likely to run into problems is if two other mods have two different older versions of the Buildcraft interfaces. (For example, Forestry, Railcraft, Engineers Toolbox, Enhanced Portals ... etc ... could all include the Buildcraft API as well as Buildcraft itself of course.)

To avoid problems in Galacticraft in that situation (example), Galacticraft version 3.0.8 onwards automatically disables its legacy Buildcraft power compatibility (MJ interface) at game startup, if a problem with the Buildcraft API - meaning, two different versions of the API - is detected. More information about this here. Servers or single players can also manually disable Galacticraft from using the legacy MJ interface by a config setting: in power-GC3.conf look for this line:

    B:"Disable old Buildcraft API (MJ) interfacing completely?"=false

and set it to true to disable the MJ interface.

Some other issues seen in some older versions of Buildcraft-compatible mods:

  • In EnderIO 2.0 (which was MJ-compatible) conduits could not connect to the input of GC Energy Storage Modules, only the output
  • Also in EnderIO 2.0, conduits on the output of GC Energy Storage Modules or solar generators would pull out all the electricity even if the conduit was connected to nothing
  • BuildCraft Kinesis Pipes - and EnderIO 2.0 conduits - looked like they connected to every side of GC machines, but would in fact not be able to place power into GC machines except on the correct power input side.


Related to those Buildcraft API changes, one of the older releases of Galacticraft 3, that's version, might crash if used alongside later versions of other mods which use the later Buildcraft version. The crash looks like this:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: buildcraft/api/power/PowerHandler

This can easily be fixed by updating Galacticraft to version or later.

See also

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