Crude Oil

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Crude Oil
Crude Oil.png
Crude Oil







Yes (64)

Crude Oil generates between y-levels 15 and 34 in small reservoirs of about 20 source blocks.

Oil can be collected using an empty bucket. Once filled, oil buckets can be emptied into the Refinery's oil reserve, which can use electrical power to turn the oil into Rocket Fuel.

Oil from other mods can be used in the refinery, using buckets or by piping it into the sides.

Oil generation can be disabled in the config, but if you don't have another mod that adds oil you will not be able to produce fuel.


In the current version, oil is collected the same way as water or lava. While holding an empty bucket, simply right click on an oil source block to fill the bucket with oil.

Oil buckets can then be emptied into a Refinery to covert the crude oil into a Rocket Fuel, which can then be used in the Spaceship. This is the only crafting purpose of oil.

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