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These are the in-game commands in Galacticraft 3. If you are playing on a server and for some reason they are not working, it may be the server owner changed the command permissions.

Commands always start with a / (slash). Arguments with <angle brackets> are required; arguments with [square brackets] are optional.

Commands available to all players


/gcenergyunits <unit> - changes the units used by Galacticraft to show how much energy something has or uses. The available units will depend on which other mods you have installed. Possible choices are:

  • gJ (Galacticraft Joules)
  • RF (Redstone Flux)
  • EU (EU - only if IC2 is installed)
  • MJ (Minecraft Joules - only if BuildCraft or EnderIO 2.0 is installed)
  • J (Mekanism Joules - only if Mekanism is installed)


/gchelp - gives an in-game link to this Wiki.


/joinrace <team> - join the named Space Race team


/ssinvite <player> - allows the named player access to your space station


/ssuninvite <player> - uninvites the named player from your space station, they will no longer have access

Creative mode commands

These commands are only available in Creative mode or if you are an op on the server (or from console) - note that being in NEI's Cheat Mode is the same as being an op.


/dimensiontp [player] - take the named player directly to the Planet Selection Screen without riding a rocket. If the argument player is omitted, you will be teleported.


/gcinv <save|restore|drop|clear> <playername> - applies the relevant command to the extended Galacticraft inventory slots (save the inventory for a later restore, clear it, or force drop all items). This is intended for use by automatic systems, for example if you need to save+clear and later restore player inventories when they enter and leave a certain area (for example, a Spleef arena or other BattleArena). Detailed guide to the /gcinv command

Op-only commands

These commands are available only for ops (or from the console).


/gckeeploaded - keeps a dimension (for example, a space station) from unregistering on a server when all players have left the dimension. This is needed for certain things to work properly on servers, for example Essentials teleport commands including /home and /warp. There may be other solutions for the same problem. It should not be needed for planets, which are static dimensions (they stay registered all the time). It will not cause any lag. See also: Tutorials/Space Station for Server Admins

Permission nodes

Permission nodes (used by some Bukkit plugins to control use of commands on servers) are printed in the server log during game start-up.

Most commands (including the Space Station commands) are OP only by default. You will other have to be an OP or have the appropriate permission node to be able to use the command.

Here are some:

Galacticraft 3

Action Command Permission node
Invite other player to your space station /ssinvite <player> micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandSpaceStationAddOwner
Remove other player from your space station /ssuninvite <player> micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandSpaceStationRemoveOwner
Change energy units display in GC machines /gcenergyunits micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandGCEnergyUnits
Join a space race team that you are invited to /joinrace <teamname> micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandJoinSpaceRace
Display a help message (links to this Wiki) /gchelp micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandGCHelp
Instant teleport to planets screen (all tier access) /dimensiontp [<player>] micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandPlanetTeleport
Set dimension to stay loaded /gckeeploaded micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandKeepDim
GCInv command for use by plugins /gcinv micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.CommandGCInv

Galacticraft 2

Action Command Permission node
Invite other player to your space station /ssinvite <player> micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.GCCoreCommandSpaceStationAddOwner
Remove other player from your space station /ssuninvite <player> micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.command.GCCoreCommandSpaceStationRemoveOwner
Unless stated otherwise, all information contained on this wiki should be considered outdated and might not reflect in-game experiences